Thursday, August 31, 2006

mid-week paintings

I'm submitting these paintings to the Rhys Gallery in Boston for a small works exhibition.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

sunday paintings

Thinking of: birthday cards from my grandparents in the 70s; Easter-colored fake flowers my grandmother used to display all over her home in ceramic planters; contrasting the spareness of the white canvas with the flowers cropping up like growths or little islands, representing memories surfacing from the past.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Stitched & Sewn

Above wall installation is by Leslie Dill.

Embroidered paintings by Ghada Amer.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

More Crochet

Discovered another artist today whose work I really like, Katie Holten. I especially love how the brightly colored installation looks like a 3 dimensional drawing floating in space. It reminds me of Pae White's installation a couple of years ago at the Hammer Museum.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

New Paintings

Here are some of my paintings I'm working on, shown at different stages of their progress:

My new favorite thing right now (besides my digital camera) is to document the evolution of my paintings. There's always an ebb and flow to the process of painting, and a point in which I feel I could stop painting, but it feels unfinished, or I can push past this point and move the piece into new territory. Sometimes this fails miserably, but ultimately this is all part of the process. In this push I hope that I'll come up with something that evokes the sense of emotion and nostalgia I'm going for. We'll see what happens...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Studio Digs

I realize that we are the last people on the planet to buy a digital camera. So, here are the studio photos I have promised for months now. Finally people can see where I've been spending all my spare time!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Crochet Delight

I've just discovered an artist whose work I love. Her name is Ani O'Neill.

I'm always drawn to materials that evoke childhood memories or that sensation of deja vu. In my work, my use of wallpaper and textile patterns is meant to spark a flow of memories, and pattern recognition seems to facilitate this sensation for me. Ani's crochet pieces caught my eye because they remind me of my friend Aili's work which also incorporates crochet:

I love Aili's use of the little crochet discs, as they feel so nostalgic and remind me of my grandmother's home. Aili's currently having a show at Raid Projects in L.A. If you're in the area you should check it out! Here are some photos of her installation:

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Color Inspiration

Above paintings are by Aboriginal artist Emily Kngwarreye. My husband thinks the top image looks like a hamburger, but I think not! Paintings below are Willem de Kooning:

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Rauschenberg & Hesse at MOCA

We saw a great show today at the MOCA downtown. I highly recommend it if your looking for some inspiration in your studio. The Rauschenberg show was really great, but even more inspiring to me was the Eva Hesse drawing and sculpture exhibit. She had these amazing graph drawings, they were so simple yet so effective. Her graphs evolved into these scuptures that reminded me of a telephone switchboard:

The wall-piece above has inspired some ideas for me of possibly weaving different color thread around nails either in wood or straight onto the wall. Her drawings/paintings on paper were also really beautiful:

I also liked these paintings by Lecia Dole-Recio:

Although I found them to be much more striking from a distance than they were up close. I was surprised to find they are mixed media cutout collages made with cardboard, butcher paper and other basic materials. Up close they lose the painterly elegance that caught my eye at first glimpse.